Tracing Out A Problem Area – Soft Tissue and Massage Treatment
I hear the phrase “it’s all connected” often in my treatment room, as well as from other therapists. This phrase has always frustrated me because of its vague nature. It can leave a therapist or client with the idea that we should address all of the soft tissues in the body in one session to possibly stumble upon the solution to a persistent ache or pain. This is not to say that a general full-body session isn’t great for maintenance or de-stressing, but the therapist and client might miss an opportunity to explore the variety of structures that surround a problem area and trace them out to see what tension patterns are present.
Assessment of range-of-motion and locating restricted soft tissue patterns through touch paints a picture of the underlying condition of the body and, more importantly, the way a client is using their body regularly. Once we can see this picture, we can go about finding alternative ways of using our bodies to complete a job, sport, or hobby that can restore balance rather than perpetuate aches and pains. So while it is true that many of the aches and pains that pop up are caused by tensions that exist elsewhere in the body, it’s our job as a soft tissue therapists to help our clients understand the underlying pattern so they can bring awareness to their activities of choice and move through their lives with reduced pain and ease.
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Gina Tibbs, HHP, Instructor / Therapist, is the founder of Loosen up Bodywork. Gina was drawn to this profession after struggling to find permanent solutions for musculoskeletal issues of her own. She has made it her mission to help people understand how to work with their body to alleviate and avoid acute and chronic pain. She has over 15 years of experience in manual and massage therapies. Her passion is to teach, always learn more and to empower her clients and students with new and old techniques for healing every day.