Exercise and Anxiety

Most of us have experienced anxiety at some point in our life. Stress from work or school; worries about finances, personal relationships and all the other stressors life offers is a normal part of living and when well-managed, can motivate us to do our best. But when stress is out of balance and becomes overwhelming we can suffer physically and mentally. Anxiety may present as nervousness, increased heart rate, sweating, difficulty breathing, and may even result in panic attacks.

We experience anxiety when our endocrine system is being overly stimulated. This can be caused by life events, specific thought patterns, or even by food and drinks we consume like caffeine and sugar. Our body over-produces a hormone called cortisol and it can perpetuate and build the longer we remain in this state of mind.

When you feel those symptoms of anxiousness start to develop, one way to help control them is to divert your train of thought by participating in activities. Staying busy helps us move our focus off of what we are stressing about.

Once we’re out of the acute stage of anxiety, exercise can benefit both our physical and mental health. Staying active helps our endocrine system to produce more endorphins, which are “feel good” chemicals produced by the pituitary gland. Going on a walk, run, hike, bike ride, or any other activity you enjoy helps encourage this internal response.

Massage therapy has also been proven to help reduce anxiety. Even just having a quiet room to yourself and being able to relax in a controlled atmosphere helps to reduce stress hormones and puts the body in a state of relaxation. It helps a person feel calmer and more able to cope with everyday stresses.

We all aspire for good habits that support our bodies in staying healthy and calm. But life has a way of throwing all of us off our “A game” from time to time. Though we agree with Ben Franklin that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”, if you need a reset to get you back on track — we’ve got you.

Stay well, stay healthy, stay moving, and we hope to see you soon.
All of us at Loosen Up!

We’re Hiring! CMT and Reception Positions Available

With the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic, our entire industry has come up against probably its biggest challenge ever.  The very idea of close proximity to others has come under careful scrutiny – without even contemplating being close enough to actually touch someone!
One of the things I’ve always most admired about the massage therapy profession has been its practitioners’ dedication to seeing clients improve their wellbeing  – even after they have been discharged from their medical doctors.  Just because someone is no longer acutely ill doesn’t mean there’s not significant room for improvement in their daily experience with their own body.
At Loosen Up we have always been clinically focused.  We pride ourselves on making sure that our entire team is well-informed and up-to-date on the most current recommendations for all types of health conditions.  We have invested a great deal of time and research into preparing to meet this new COVID-19 challenge facing our profession and are eager to help other CMT’s prepare to return to their tables.  If you (or someone you know) is wanting to get back to the treatment room but are feeling unprepared, we want to hear from you.
We are also looking for front-office help. Check out our open reception position.
We hope you are well and healthy and we are looking forward to hearing from you soon!

We’re Reopening September 21st!

After all this time we finally have some good news!

We are entering into a new phase of reopening. September 21st we will be back in the office working with clients who have doctor’s referrals. This referral can come from your physician or from a chiropractor. All we need is an email, or you can bring a physical one with you to your appointment. When things open up more in Contra Costa County, we will happily take clients without a referral but for now that is all we are allowed to accommodate indoors at our office. We also have a few new steps in our process, which we have listed and explained on our website (and have announced previously). I’m sure many of you are now familiar with these new standards but please check them out, and if you have any questions about them, we would love to hear from you.

Another way we are adapting to this new limitation on indoor services is we are now offering outcall appointments! Booking will be similar but we will not be able to offer online booking for these appointments since we need to manually account for commute times. Please call us or email if you are interested in booking one of these types of appointments. These appointments are only offered in outdoor spaces so if you have any questions on how that works, please feel free to reach out.

We are going to have some price adjustments coming to make up for the longer hours all of us are having to put in to make this work. We will be sure to give you plenty of notice once we get going so you can stock up on gift cards and packages before that happens. Also any existing member credits acquired during the closure will be honored at full previous pricing.

We are beyond excited to see all of you and want to thank you again for your support and patience while we’ve all had to adapt to our changing times. Even if we struggled to return all of your voicemails and emails, hearing from you meant the world to us while we were busy learning how we could return to our tables.

Can’t wait to see you all soon!!

Gina Tibbs

Expanded Booking and Appointment Procedures to Ensure a Safe Environment

We are excited to say that we are officially open! This has been a very long road and we could not have done it without the support of our staff, client, and complementary health communities. I have been amazed at just how many people have come together to create avenues to efficiently receive new information as it comes out, and I am very confident in the processes we have established to create a space that is as safe as possible in this moment. The situation continues to evolve and we may have to modify as we go, but I am very prepared to do so in an open and ethical way.

Session Process

We’ve kept you informed of our new processes and protocols through our previous emails, and that information is still up on our website, if you’d like to review it. All of our team members are also prepared to answer any questions you may still have, because we want to be as transparent as possible, so you can make an informed decision on whether bodywork is right for you at this time.

(Click image to learn more about our new procedures)

Although your sessions may feel a little different in the beginning, you will soon recognize that the results are still the same!  We do understand that everyone has a unique health profile and we want you to know we are still not recommending all types of body work for all types of clients, but we do want to have the conversation with each of you, so please reach out. We have all been deprived of touch for so long and we massage therapists speak the language of touch better than anyone.


We are at the office staffing phones and emails, and we can’t wait to hear from each of you!

We want to express so much love, so much appreciation, and all our gratitude for the work our communities have put in to get us to this point.

We are sending you all virtual hugs!!!!

See you soon!



New Self Care At Home Videos

During the coronavirus outbreak, many of us are stuck at home. Often, we’re working at our dining room tables and feeling tense about life in general.

We’re launching a series of self care at home videos to help our community through this time.

Below is the first in the series. You can find all our videos on our YouTube channel. Take care!

Struggling With Sleep?

At Loosen Up we often receive questions regarding ideal sleep recommendations; best positions, pillows, mattresses, etc. These are tougher questions to answer than you would think. There are many contributing factors to preferred sleeping position, pillows, and mattresses; previous injuries, room orientation, or sleeping companions. How we sleep is a personal topic and effective tips and tricks vary for each person.

Read more

How to Use a Foam Roller for Myofascial Release

Using a foam roller is simple, but working some areas may take a bit of practice and some…

Our New, Larger Massage Studio in Walnut Creek

It has been so exciting to see my visions for Loosen Up unfold before my eyes. We wouldn’t be here without the help of our family, friends, staff, and of course you! Read more

Our New Location!!!

Dear family and friends of Loosen Up Bodywork, It’s been a  while since my last newsletter. You guys have been keeping me so busy, I haven’t had time to write. Once again, I am humbled and  grateful for your patronage and for all of your referrals. Read more